
     New media has helped make more of today's life smoother. They have helped many to make a living and have made it easier to access this knowledge and much more. However, anonymity and secrecy issues are raised in digital media. Many that use digital technology in terms of anonymity and secrecy, like the dark web, pet fishing, infringements on records, and much more are interested in several topics.

    The dark web is a challenge for many new media consumers. The Dark Web, which uses unique software, is used by unauthorized people. It is also difficult to track anyone from the dark web, making it a frightening location in digital media. The explanation that the Dark Web is worried is that hackers can upload your card information, publish your address, or even host trafficking in persons. It is still difficult today to find steps to regulate the dark web.

    Data abuses are another example of digital media interference in privacy. Infringements arise as sensitive knowledge, for example, the Dark Web, is exposed to untrustworthy contexts. Any website, like Airbnb, Dropbox, and much more, could suffer from a data breach. As a survivor of data infringements, I was forced to delete the card and get a new one by way of my credit card records in a data violation. In whatever account you can think of, I've been forced to change nearly all my passwords.

    Catfishing is another secrecy issue. It is now popular for people to engage in online dating. Some people claim to be someone they're not inside online dating. For countless causes, most frequently the insecurities of an individual. While this can look innocent until the two parties interact it may become a violent situation.

All in all, by using digital media, one must be vigilant to contribute to identity fraud, or even worse, trade in human beings.


  1. I completely agree with everything that you've said. New media has made life much easier, but it also created many issues that we have never dealt with in the past. One of these issues is privacy, and I feel that you highlighted many of its biggest concerns extremely well.

  2. I agree you comments Rehab. Anonymity is a necessity at the same time it's also a scary thing. Especially when it comes to things to like online dating where catfishing is prevalent. Data breach or loss of information is also another scary thing as you never know when or where you are putting yourself on danger on the internet.

  3. Hi Rehab,
    I like this post because you clarify everything that is wrong with the online world. I'm sorry to hear that you have been a victim of data infringements and I hope that won't happen to you or anyone else again. I, myself have been a victim of identity theft and I know that there are people out there who still do this kind of stuff which is really scary. We really need to be more careful towards everything we do on social media, however, the social media platforms should also do everything on their end to protect us and our identity.

  4. Like you said, people can use the Dark Web to engage in human trafficking and other illegal activities. I think there should be very strong punishment for these illegal things. Moreover, I am sorry that you are a victim of credit card theft. I also suffered from a credit card theft a few years ago.


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