Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy

 More common than ever are social networking sites. We all use it to establish contact with old and new mates. It helps us to be aware at the same time of what our friends are up to, without calling each one. Everyone is aware of what websites such as Facebook do but how it can impact potential employees of big corporations is NOT known to anyone. Many large corporations now search their Facebook pages for inappropriate images or posts of entry-level employees. Companies fear that their lives in their personal lives can prevent their workplace success. Not only do workers lose their anonymity, but even those who do not use their privacy settings are lost. Believe it or not, many users post entire birthdays, addresses, and phone numbers, raising the possibility of identity fraud.


  1. I’m really intrigued by your topic for your paper! I know I personally love to over share on social media at times but have always strived to keep my online history work - appropriate. It would be interesting to learn about the repercussions that social networks have on people who share something against their company “image” and the implications on wether or not what you say online should impact your job even if you’re a good employee. There is definitely a blending of the lines between work and personal life due to social networking

  2. Rehab, you have chosen a very interesting topic for your paper. I have chosen a similar topic regarding the Social Media privacy and the use of AI and Machine learning in invading this privacy. Yes all major companies are searching employees private social media accounts and dig out anything that they can use against their employees and now with the use of machine learning and AI, they can do that in the matter of minutes for an entire company. I have no doubts that in the near future this very comment on this blog will land on my future employers desk as part of the profit my entire social media activity package.


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